I want to start by thanking everyone for their positive "vibes" coming to Paul. He has really been lifted by your kind thoughts and encouragement. His attitude has been pretty positive and he worked like a horse today! He did spike a fever overnight but not too high and it came down with some Tylenol. But the catheter had to go and go it did after PT. And go HE did so all is well :)!

After an early (6:45 a.m.) morning MRI where it was confirmed that everything is as it should be and the spinal cord and fluid are all doing what they are supposed to be doing, he had a busy day culminating in an awesome PT session. Paul would not slow down. After sitting on the edge of the bed for a bit (the first time since his surgery) he used the Lite Gait (not sure if the spelling is correct but it is a cool device that helps him stand. It can support his weight as much or as little as he needs it). Now please ignore his hair because it would make him crazy but note the posture and the fact that he is not using the Lite Gait for support at all. And this was the first attempt and my phone ran out of juice. He stood two more times (although the therapist started to unhook him and Paul said, "wait a minute - we are going to do this again") and each time he stood longer, taller and stronger. The neck brace is just being used to help support his neck as it gets stronger (from the surgery). He actually tossed that one within about 5 minutes of getting it on.
There is talk of Paul moving to rehab pretty soon (maybe tomorrow or Thursday). His appetite is good. His spirits are up. His will is strong. He had no pain today other than a slight headache (which is probably a result of the fact that he didn't eat from about 9-3 because of all the activity). And no spasms!! Yippee. He also had a great massage today (although apparently no match for Rita) which got some kinks out. He loved it but likened it to being in a bar fight. A "good" bar fight.

Tom got Paul some device for his phone so he can spend some time on the phone without it being much of a hassle. He was probably too tired today to call anybody but tomorrow should be different unless he moves. He gets tired talking on the phone but he doesn't hesitate to tell people that the conversations will be short.
Things are looking very good. We still have a long way to go but we are getting there.
Hey! Bud I came to visit Thursday over lunch at 12:30 because I was traveling in the area and guess What!! Paul had checked out and was off to rehab!!! Another milestone!!! GREAT work!!! If you keep up this pace I'll be looking for you in London for the Olympics!!!